catch the rawr hint!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Check My Yahoo Mail, Found This

You always know the brain-heart storm that we have been through together, we fight and make it up for over and again. It takes blood, sweat and tears out of us, brings our ego up to the top, and no one ever wants to be blamed for it. I love this storm, the wind and the wave that all the time try to make us broken, thoroughly makes our ship stronger than before. We are grateful for it to never end the lovely dovey we have made from the start. We dance upon this ship, happily hold the pole for the proof of promises of our commitment to always stay together crossing the sea. I’m happy to be the deck you have chosen in your ups and downs, captain. I’m happy to be with you in the hot and cold water. 

I hope this happiness won’t make us forget to be more mature because there is another storm ahead. It never fails to bond us for obvious. The second in two years, thank you for everything you have done for me, to protect me and warn me in this dangerous sea. Happy 25th birthday, captain. When you want to tell everything, you know where is to go.  I love you to the end of the sea and back.

October 5th 2014.

I gave it to my friend for her boyfriend's birthday, few days later I got them broken up for reasons I've never known.


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